Heart Attack Death amount in world .
Now a days, Heart and other cardio vascular system problems are occurrig in body. And In 2021 , around 20.5 million people were affected worldwide. Its been highlighted and tremendous situation in worldwide due to unhealthy food and improper schedule of life style, And having continuously hypertension and probably blood pressure effect in body.

Heart Attack Initial Symptoms
- Jaw pain
Jaw pain is like a warning sign of a heart attack’s initial symptoms. Generally, its likely happens to in women’s cases, especially lower jaw tightness, and slight pain comes and goes. And feels like a pressure.

- Chest Pain
Chest pain is one of the warning sign of symptoms in heart attack. there is having discomfort, inconvenience, breathing problem. Generally chest pain occurs in centre or left side of chest. Pain occurs due to blood reduce to flow due to blocked artery.

Heart Attack Reasons .
- High Blood pressure
Generally In diet content, when human body gets more consumption of salt intake. So, it increases more pressure and blood volume and also retains water.
Now a days human existence of bad habits, like no exercise routine schedules, which increases poor blood supply to heart.
Extra Body weight, unhealthy diet, no body movement, No physical work effort…which leads to get gradually heart effects issues in human body.
- High Cholesterol
People are being affected by bad processed food content like baked food, Trans fat content, which leads to body increasing bad cholesterol and lowering good cholesterol.
Even though, Fiber content is missing day by day in present food consumption, like in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, like such food should get into diet content to maintain cholesterol regulations.
- Obesity
Now in coming generations, Obesity is being the major health issue of life. Obesity raises issues subjected to cholesterol, blood pressure, Heart diseases. Even it increases blood clot issues in body.
- Diabetes
Diabetes risk typically occurs at aged 40, And risk increases with more aging.
Continous stress problems, which leads to increase sugar level.
Even, Since a long time back have been indulged in taking dosage of steroid, High MG medicines. So long-term medication can develop risk factors.
- Sleep Apnea
This problem most probably occurs in older age person,specially in mens. Even, Genetical factor may consist.
Smoking may also increases airway inflammation and fluid retentions.
Even, Diabetic & High blood pressure body leads to be affected probably.
Diet in Heart Disease .
Liquid Juice Intake
- Arjuna bark (arjun ki chai)

It’s having anitiplatelets properties to prevent of formation of blood clots, it calms the nervous system.
It’s having characteristics to reduce heart attacks and strokes.
which reduces cholesterol, LDL, reduces plaque burden, Even it helps to recover for post heart attack And strengthens the heart muscle.
Even Many ayurvedic practitioners refer to consumption of Arjuna tea.
- Ginger tea

Ginger tea is subjectively excellent for heart health due to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and blood circulation-boosting properties.
it relieves heart burn & improves blood circulation. helping relax blood vessels and improve blood flow, which can help reduce high blood pressure (hypertension).
Chronic inflammation can damage blood vessels. Ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties help protect arteries from damage, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis (plaque buildup in arteries).
It stimulates blood flow, ginger ensures about better oxygen supply to the heart and keeping it well healthy to functioning efficiently in a better way.
- Beet route Juice.

Beets are best in nitrates, which always meant to get convert into nitric oxide in the body. That helps to relax, widen blood vessels, it helps to reducing high blood pressure (hypertension) and lowering the risk of heart disease.
Beets are too nearly best in potassium and magnesium, Even, essential minerals that help to maintain normal heart rhythm, Even in prevention of irregular heartbeats (arrhythmia) as well.
Beets are rich in folate, grows cells, Chronic inflammation is about major contributor to heart disease. Beets sufficiently contain betalains (antioxidants) which helps to reduce inflammation and protect blood vessels.
- Amla juice.

It also reduces cholesterol, prevents fat accumulation in body. Amla excellently helps to reduce high blood pressure (hypertension) by sufficiently improving nitric oxide production in body, which also relaxes blood vessels and improves blood flow continuously.
Amla is excellently rich in potassium and iron too, which improve heart health & muscle functioning, regulate heart rate, and prevent irregular heartbeats (arrhythmia) continuously.
- Hibiscus Tea (Gudel)

It reduces blood pressure, this tea can lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure
Hibiscus tea, specially made from the dried petals of the Hibiscus sabdariffa flower, is fully packed with antioxidants, polyphenols, and natural blood pressure-lowering compounds that included and supports cardiovascular health.
Prevention For Heart diseases.
Prevention of heart diseases having regular combination of a healthy diet, healthy routine, regular exercise, stress management, and lifestyle schedule that contribute overall cardiovascular health.
1. Take Heart-Healthy Diet
Get entire seasonable foods: Fruits, vegetables, seeds, legumes, whole grains, nuts.

Increase fiber intake (from oats, beans, and flaxseeds) to lower cholesterol
Stop preferring processed foods, avoid sugar, and unhealthy fats (trans fats, fried foods).
Reduce gradually salt intake to prevent high blood pressure.
2. Regular Exercise schedule.
Schedule a daily basis mix exercise wrap(walking, cycling, swimming) in a longer time.
Involve strength training to supports heart health and metabolism system.
Consider yoga or stretching for flexibility and meditation for stress reduction.

3. Stress Management.
Start schedule of deep breathing, meditation, or mindfulness on daily basis to relief body.

Create curious implementation in hobbies and activities that bring joy and habitual.
Spend time in natural environment like farm, garden, river or with loved ones to reduce stress hormones.
5. Get Quality Sleep
Aim Everytime for 7-9 hours of sleep per night.

Poor sleep increases the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease, create aggression and impulsiveness.

Maintain schedule of regular sleep time to avoid screen time before bedtime.